When running, it's easy to feel like any knee pain you experience is running's fault.
But interestingly, any knee pain when running is more likely a consequence of relatively hidden dysfunction you've taken into running.
In essence, the repetition of running is just really good at exposing this covert dysfunction. To take a step back, we know that running is a normal expression of human mechanics AND that pain and injury is for all intents and purposes ABNORMAL.
So we must be missing something in between.
And as a Physiotherapist, I find that we can trace common muscle weakness, tissue restriction and joint stiffness often associated with knee pain when running back to the more mundane things we do throughout our day.
For example, if you run for 1 hour every single day, that obviously equates to around 7 hours of running a week. And that may sound like a lot, but it's nothing compared to the amount of time we potentially sit throughout the day.
In fact, if you were to tally up all the moments you spent sitting throughout an average day, you might be surprised to see that number reach close to double figures - or at least it'll be A LOT more than the one hour you might spend running.
In short, if we can analyze the more sedentary moments of our day, we can usually find clues as to why an ankle has become stiff, or a lower back weaker.
And if you love to run it's easy to take this dysfunction into a very repetitive activity - and give it a chance to bubble to the surface.
So, in this video, I go through three really simple, yet essential exercises I find clinically help restore normal leg function and increase your chances of reducing knee pain when running.
It goes without saying that you may need more specific advice than what I can give over the internet, but these three exercises are a great place to start.
- Grant
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